From client who is wheelchair user at an inclusive session "a MASSIVE THANK YOU to you all 🏆 WONDERFUL ladies as well as to 🏆 WONDERFUL Tiff & Sarah & all you 🏆 WONDERFUL ladies for your assistance yesterday, you went well above what anyone could expect. I really was very humbled by everything that you did to help me & I will never forget it. ‘
From Woodland Wellbeing session ‘ What works is the collective being in the natural setting; the friendliness of he organisers/guides, the thoughtfulness, approach and guidance. The holistic approach and the opportunity to just ‘be’. A very positive experience - the most impactful wellbeing /therapy course I have ever participated in’ .
From Wild Explorers session "Thank you, that is like someone telling me they've organised a weeks spa break for me."
Woodland Wellbeing 2023 - ""Mental health support from those who KNOW what it's like. Peer support. So much knowledge about nature. Ability to be myself. I have become so enthusiastic and passionate about nature that I now litter pick round my home area. I feel I have a purpose"
"Getting to be in nature gives me time to relax it's my only time to myself without my very young children, my mental health benefits greatly from the time away. I find focusing on tasks like green woodworking helps me mentally to as I'm very creative and it helps shut my mind off.”(2024)"